VI Encounter for the New Horizon
Photo Report #8
Fortaleza has a kind of a past and future quality to it. There was the old-style house commonly built in the forest by rubber-tappers
Neighbor families passing through on the traditional trail carrying pigs and products to market
There was a charcoal stove and a kiln for making the coals
The present structures were typical of rural Acre as was the water tank
Morning light flooding into Dona Rizelda's kitchen area gave it a timeless feeling
Her treadle Singer sewing machine was just like the one used by my own grandmother
Sometimes the old and new mixed, as with the ox cart and satellite dish in front of the family home
The dish was made possible by the recent program of rural electrification and now the latest technology was coming into use
Visitors arrived with digital cameras and laptop computers
Solon explained the vision for community expansion using a digital satellite image of the region
And Debora sketched out plans to create an Internet-based virtual community of friends.
Some things seems to continue on through all the changes. But they have new twists like playing bingo for a grand prize -- the markers being corn kernels
and the prize being a DVD player.
And some things are forever, like the traditional barbecue.
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