ON THE ROAD WITH LUIZ MENDES: Three more stops along the trail of happiness.
It's hard to describe in words exactly what it is like to be traveling with the Luiz Mendes comitiva. They carry the energy of Mestre Irineu always
and seem to bring the gift of happiness wherever they go. But the gift really is reciprocal, a relationship in which everyone contributes, somehow realizing that happiness is not something that we "get" but that it is something that we give. It seems to spread in all directions like a marvelous contagion.
The first spiritual work was offered at Reino do Sol
where we joined with Gê Marques and Rô
and lots of brothers and sisters to sing and dance all night
and share birthday celebrations.
Next stop was Céu da Fatima, the church that Alexandre and Adriana traveled the long distance to do works at for many years
and where Sidney told of his relationship with Seu Luiz and shared a memorable photograph.
I received a very special gift when someone offered to take my picture with Lusirene.
It was another great evening that stretched into the wee hours and ended with many smiles.
The last of the São Paulo area works was at Lua Cheia where Léo welcomed everyone.
Representatives of Ana Vitória, Porta do Sol spoke eloquently for the union of all ayahausca youth in the world and brought a gift of flowers.
Of course there was another birthday to celebrate,
and more smiles,
and more hugs.
Birthdays, smiles, hugs and healing. This was my sense of our travels through São Paulo.
Click for a slideshow of more Reino do Sol photos.
Click for a slideshow of more Céu da Fatima photos.
Click for a slideshow of more Lua Cheia photos.
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