NEW YEAR 2008 and the
The Encounter for the New Horizon has become and annual event that gathers together the extended family and expanding circle of friends of Vila Fortaleza. Each year there are new people and new events in this beginning-of-the-year festival. This year we got off to a great start with the marriage of Alexandre and Adriana who lead a Santo Daime church near São Paulo. They are not newcomers. Indeed, they are frequent visitors to Vila Fortaleza assisting in the development of the community and connecting the comitiva to the São Paulo metropolitan region.
Of course, Pad. Luiz has married many couples but somehow it seemed to me that he and Mad. Rizelda were especially gleeful about blessing this union of Alexandre and Adriana. It was beautiful to share their joy at the outset of 2008 and we wish them a life of health, happiness and good works. We will visit them again in our travels to São Paulo but for now we can only thank them for everything they have contributed to Vila Fortaleza and say "PARABENS!" (CONGRATULATIONS)
Here are a few photos and videos...
Following the wedding festivities we sang the Diversões do Mestre Irienu which are entertainments often sung in the interval or "rest period" in Spiritual Works. Just as singing the hymns of a Cura or Healing Work brings healing and health to body and mind, singing the Diversões brings happiness and joy into the whole being.
Carol seemed to sum up what the night of New Year 2008 was like.
PS: Sorry about the shaky camera work in the videos but I am still learning how to hold balance in the midst of the power and force of the Daime.
There are more photos here.
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