Tuesday, October 07, 2008


First, a little slideshow of some favorite photos of Padrinho:

Today, 7 October, is the anniversary of the birth of Padrinho Sebastião Mota de Melo and on Saturday night and Sunday morning we sang the hymns of Mestre Irineu in his honor. It was a truly glorious session holding the energy of this great family line of Santo Daime and of Saint Francis, on whose day we began, while performing the musical Doctrine of the Master.

There's really no way to adequately describe a night of a full formal Santo Daime session, singing and dancing the hymns of Mestre Irineu. I'd like to keep it simple -- just a very few words and a bunch of videos that I shot randomly across the nine hour session in which 130 plus hymns were sung. So this is an experiment in presentation. Altogether there's probably 45 minutes of video. You can check them out as works best for you.

I'm very pleased to share this and grateful to my friends of Ceu do Planalto for being so open and loving to me and willing to appear in the "blogosphere".

(note: the hymn titles are links to English translation text at YouTube -- just click on "more info")

Papai Velho

Centro Livre

Estrela D'Água


A Rainha da Floresta

Eu Vou Cantar

São João

Sou Filho Desta Verdade & Todos Querem

Chamei Lá Nas Alturas

Flor Das Águas

Eu Pedi & Eu Cheguei Nesta Casa

Prayer of Saint Francis & Nature's Song

Many thanks to Padrinho Fernando, Madrinha Clarice, all the marvelous musicians and singers, and especially to little Ian.

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