Dear Friends,
It is a blessed and historic day -- the first of a new era. Our moments and movements have traveled from hope and vision to the reality of President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama.
I can barely find words that explain my surprise at being so deeply touched by this election. I laughed and cried and worried as I have never before over a political event. I'm still amazed. He came up from Chicago which was my first home and where I learned my politics. But he created a whole new set of meanings and became both the symbol and reality of change. May God bless him with good guidance and keep him safe and well.
Now, I finally feel free to become unglued from the news feeds of the Internet and to travel to my new home in the State of Acre, Brazil close to the forest and a wonderful group of folks. For the next several months I'll be in the Inter-not-yet zone and, other than an occasional visit to town and a LAN House or cyber-cafe, I will be mostly off-line. But, for sure, I'll be gathering new stories and photos that will become posts at Visionshare. So please stay tuned.
I send best wishes that we may all enter a new age together, facing always a new horizon and welcoming its challenges. May we grow individually and globally into an evermore perfect union.
Touch the earth and blessed be.
From the archives here are a couple "stories from home" about finding my favorite tree and the Vila Fortaleza vision.
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