Warning: this video is horrible.
But does it mean that we all must become vegans? Personally, I don't think so, and my reason comes from a Ram Dass story about his guru Sri Neem Karoli Baba...
It seems that once when they were all hanging out in India, a group of Americans-in-training-to-be-yogis became very concerned about the food that what being passed around the ashram because it was full of white sugar and white flour and other non-whole foods. They demanded a teaching from the guru about food.
He didn't like to teach, never wrote anything and rarely gave sermons. Reluctantly, he offered the teaching, saying,
"Eat food that has been prepared with love and don't eat poison. End of teaching."
For me, that's the reason to avoid ALL industrial foods. They contain no love and are loaded with poison. I don't believe it's about killing animals as much as how we relate to all life from birth to death. That's what determines who and what we are.
Here is the full explanation of the video:
Hatchery Horrors: Video Shows No Mercy for Baby Chicks
by Christine Lepisto,
Berlin on 09. 2.09
For two weeks, a Mercy for Animals investigator operated a hidden camera secretly inside of one of America's largest hatcheries. In a calm voice, the narrator describes the scenes playing in the video. The video captures the horror of the post-industrial food chain, where live animals flutter in panic along assembly line operations that proceed with deliberate calmness and unmerciful purpose. Many of the chicks in the image above, excerpted from the video, are heading towards a gruesome death by being ground up while still alive.
Cute, fluffy chicks bounce roughly along assembly lines. 150,000 male chicks per day are sorted out by operators known as "sexers" and tossed aside to be ground alive because they cannot produce eggs and will not grow fast enough for meat. Death by being ground alive is merciful in contrast: chicks that get caught in the machinery, slip through, or accidentally end up in the wrong place at the wrong time suffer terribly before dying. Females that make it through sorting face a life in confined, factory farm conditions.
On the Mercy for Animals website, a consumer right-to-know label is proposed:
Citing the troubling findings of this investigation, Mercy For Animals is calling on the nation's 50 largest grocery chains to require that all eggs sold in their stores bear a label reading, "Warning: Male chicks are ground-up alive by the egg industry."
More on Animal Cruelty:
Hatchery Horrors, Mercy for Animals
Heroes Star Tries to Stop Dolphin Hunt in Japan
So What Does the Inside of a Factory Farm Look Like Anyway? (Slideshow)
Animal Visuals Gives Bird's Eye View of Factory Farm Cage
The Meatrix
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