Monday, November 16, 2009
Don Pablo Amaringo 1943 - 2009
Famed Peruvan curandero and painter of ayahuasca visions Pablo Amaringo has passed from this earthly plane. He was born in 1943 in Puerto Libertad, in the Peruvian Amazon region. He was ten years old when he first took ayahuasca--a visionary brew used in shamanism, made from the plants Banisteriopsis caapi (yagé) and Psychotria viridis (chacruna). A severe heart illness--and the magical treatment of this via ayahuasca--led Pablo toward the life of a shaman, and he eventually became a powerful curandero--learning the icaros, or healing songs that the ayahuasca brew taught him.
In 1977, Pablo abandoned his vocation as a shaman, and became a painter and art instructor at his Usko-Ayar school, where there is no charge for the students to learn painting from Pablo. The school is dependent on donations. For more information on how to help this wonderful project go to
Here are a few of Amaringo's spectacular paintings,
Via Sertaobras, here is a slideshow from a recent visit to his school in Pucallpa, Peru.
wow!!What an artist!!!!!