Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This is the first in a series of posts documenting the 2010 Encounter for the New Horizon and recent scenes from Fortaleza (in Capixaba, Acre) which is the spiritual retreat center of the family of Mestre Conseheiro Luíz Mendes and many friends.

It has been taking quite awhile to bring this material together and to the Internet due to the challenges of being in rural Amazônia so I've had to wait to come to the city of Rio Branco where Internet and electric energy are much more dependable. Sorry for the long delay but I'm pleased to finally be able to share the results.

The 2010 Encounter for the New Horizon opened on the night of 30 December 2009 with a spiritual session of Concentração (concentration) which featured a pajélança presentation by Shaneihu, a young shaman ("pajé") in a line of shamans from the Yananawa people. Pajélança is a musical healing tradition. More about it (in Portuguese) here and here.

The slideshow below begins with the Concentration and ends with Shaneihu administering the Indian snuff called rapé.

(or view the flickr set directly)

3 videos of the beautiful songs of Shaneihu are below.

1 comment:

  1. querido Lou,
    muito agradecida pelo seu excelente trabalho de divulgação da nossa doutrina.
    Com amor,
