Friday, June 11, 2010


Last March Foster Brown and I video-taped Frei Heitor's vigorous explanations of the problems facing Amazônia and the world -- money and oil.

Frei Heitor Turini, is an 84 year old Italian missionary with the Servants of Mary who has been unrelenting in the struggle for the forests and peoples of the Amazônian hinterlands and is well known for his political outspokenness in Acre. He wastes no time in getting down to the unholy trinity of power, money and oil, an opinion that was struck as well on the pages of today's NY Times where Willian D. Cohan said:

The Gulf of Mexico spill, like the financial implosion, was largely the product of people taking risks and knowing they wouldn’t be held accountable if things went wrong.

President Obama has repeatedly emphasized that he intends to hold BP fully responsible for the costs of damages and cleanup which is already straining relations with England which has been the closest ally of the US Middle East policy and whose economy is very intertwined with BP (for example, many British pension funds are dependent on the payment of BP dividends). Unraveling the unholy alliance of power, money and oil is not going to be a simple task.

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