Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[URGENT: Please join the new avaaz sign-on letter. It is in Portuguese for Brazilian officials but you can easily enter you name, email and country. Please help the Brazilian forest defenders NOW.]

We only have a few hours to save our forests from greedy hands of the ruralista deputees in Congress! I just sent a message to President Dilma and party leaders to prevent the horrible House vote that will destroy the Forest Code. Come join, it is important and urgent! Just click here to send the message in English or Portuguese.

With the vote scheduled for today, we must do everything we can to pressure the government and avoid a massive defeat to Brazil's environmental protections.

Please take a few minutes to increase our impact by connecting and / or by sending a personal message to President Dilma and party leaders. We will generate an avalanche of messages asking them to support our future and not private interests, to say no to amnesty for crimes against the environment and oppose the reduction of APP (permanent preservation areas). We will not accept an agreement until the environmental protections are strengthened rather than slaughtered.

Here are the phone numbers and e-mail.

Dilma President (61) 3411-1225 / (61) 3411.1200, (61) 3411.1201 sg@planalto.gov.br
Paulo Teixeira (PT) - (61) 3215-5281 dep.pauloteixeira@camara.gov.br
Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB) (61) 3215-5539 dep.henriqueeduardoalves@ amara.gov.br
Ana Arraes Block (PSB, PTB and PCdoB) (61) 3215-5846 dep.anaarraes@camara.gov.br
Lincoln Portela (Block PR, PRB, PTdoB, PRTB and others) - (61) 3215-5615 dep.lincolnportela@camara.gov.br
Duarte Nogueira (PSDB) - (61) 3215-5525 dep.duartenogueira@camara.gov.br
Antonio Carlos Magalhães Neto (DEM) - (61) 32158269  dep.antoniocarlosmagalhaesneto@camara.gov.br
Nelso Meurer (PP) - (61) 3215-5916 dep.nelsonmeurer@camara.gov.br
Giovanni Queiroz (PDT) (61) 3215-5618 dep.giovanniqueiroz@camara.gov.br
Junior mice (PSC) - (61) 3215-5521 dep.ratinhojunior@camara.gov.br

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