Friday, June 03, 2011


Amazon Watch has organized a "Cause" at Facebook:

"This has been a time of tragedy in the Amazon. This week the Brazilian government green-lighted construction on the monstrous Belo Monte Dam despite searing local, national and international opposition. Yet despite the initiation of this criminal operation, I can assure you that the battle to defend the Xingu River and its people is far from over.

"I have just returned from the Brazilian Amazon, where Chief Raoni gathered with hundreds of Kayapo warriors, indigenous leaders from 18 ethnicities, and leaders from the Xingu Alive Forever Movement (MXVPS).

"This is the last chance we have to paralyze Belo Monte's construction," Renata Pinheiro told the indigenous assembly. "The future of the Xingu is in your hands, indigenous peoples and social movements. You succeeded in stopping Belo Monte for 30 years – now more than ever we need to strengthen our resolve, joining forces to stop the beginning of construction."

"It's now more important than ever that we take this campaign to the next level.

"Take a stand, stop this monstrous project by joining the Cause on Facebook "Stop the Monster Dam: Protect the Xingu River and its People". Your donation today will support the travel of indigenous leaders to Brasilia and Altamira to make their voices heard."

Xingu Alive Forever! Xingu Vivo Para Sempre!

Please join the cause.

Also, please note that the petition is still active. If you have not signed it you can do it now here.

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