Wednesday, December 21, 2011


the light at the end of the tunnel
"the light at the end of the tunnel" -- photo by AlicePopkorn at Flickr

This year, the Solstice occurs on the morning of 22 December when the arc of the sun reverses the journey of light and darkness in our days. If you are in the North, you'll be heading into more light as we in the South will be heading into more darkness. It all depends on where one stands.

Might it be like that as well in the interior world where we also take a stand? What determines our view of our individual and collective futures? What obstacles must be overcome? Václav Havel, who led a "velvet revolution" against totalitarian rule in Czechoslovakia and recently died, left us a poignant point-of-view:
For the real question is whether the brighter future is really always so distant. What if, on the contrary, it has been here for a long time already, and only our own blindness and weakness has prevented us from seeing it around us and within us, and kept us from developing it? (from The Power of the Powerless)

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