In Indonesia's West Java province, a new law to promote tree planting in this region of high deforestation is making newlyweds go green. It doesn't answer the problem of continuing deforestation but it surely will help to swell the global population of trees.
The program, "Couples Caring For The Environment", requires newly married couples to plant and care for five trees. The seedlings are generally brought by the bridegroom as a dowry for the bride. The initiative is an effort to help repopulate native greenery in Indonesia, much of which has been destroyed to make room for agriculture.
Perhaps something similar could be part of a bolsa floresta program for Brazil's "arc of Amazon deforestation".

Deforestation through 2006 in Brazilian Amazonia. (source: Ecology and Society)
1 comment:
Fabulous idea. Should be worldwide! At my wedding, we took a pledge not to have children of our own but to devote our nurturing energies to restoring the earth. That's not for everyone, but every couple should consider earth stewardship to be a part of the legacy they leave for their children.
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