Yup! I'm starting a new walk. I've been toying with the thought for awhile. I liked my previous retreat from the Internet and I'm doing it again, this time in an open-ended way. I'm not sure where the path leads but, as the sage says, a long journey begins with a singe step.

Thanks to all and I hope to see ya down the trail.
(The photo above is from a lovely blog post called Gratidão!)
Lou, I have so many great cousin memories, and that goes back many journeys ago! We never know where we'll be when we get a little further down the road, do we. You have done so many important things in your life, for yourself, and for others. For now, be safe, be loved, be happy. If and when you reconnect, I will be glad to hear from you. xox Linda
I know that whatever you do is sure to bring blessings to all beings.
I just hope that I get to hear about it sometime ... you tell such wonderful stories : )
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