The extended family of Luiz Mendes maintains two spiritual centers in Acre -- one in the municipality of Bujarí near Rio Branco and the other at Vila Fortaleza in the municipality of Capixaba. This year Easter was celebrated at both locations.
When the spiritual works are a bit smaller, Padrinho Luiz often calls them "festinhas grandissimas" (GREAT little festivals) because the strong energy of a few people who really know how to perform together in spiritual union can really rock and send a marvelous light into the world.
And this was certainly the case last night at Bujari as people celebrated the continuing rebirth of the Master with love and joy.
First we sang the hymns of Francisco Ribero (a contemporary of Mestre Irineu)
And then the hymnal "Pequenininho" of Saturnino
The energy seemed particularly special because, in addition to the spirit of the risen Christ, a new generation of the Luiz Mendes family had been born. Earlier in the day Maria Flor arrived -- daughter of Suzi and Neto, granddaughter of Luza and Saturnino, and great granddaughter of Padrinho Luiz and Madrinha Rizelda.
There are more photos (and a good story) of an earlier "work" at Bujari here.
wow! lou, wow!
Viva Flower Mary!!!!
Light and Peace my friend!
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