Yesterday (March 5th) was the anniversary of another trip around the sun on the back of this lovely planet -- my 73rd Full Sun Circle. Often, it feels like this...

But I'm very aware that I've been carried by the love and support of many dear friends -- some whom I've never met. So now is my time to return the gift with a deep bow of gratitude to all of you.
I send hugs and good forest vibes to you from my heart home in the Brazilian Amazon.
Happy Birthday Lou! We danced in your honor last night at Sitting Dog's tenth annual Mardi Gras celebration in Takilma. Here's to all the Piscean artists whom I know and love...
Thanks right back at you, Lou. I'm a fan from the Bald Mountain days in the early 90's.
Thank You for the Thank You, Luigi, though it is you I give thanks for...hope you had a perfectly magickal birthday! Sending lots of Love from Corvallis, Oregon. <3
Jeanette Hardison, Steve and Olivia Lambott
Mmmm... soaking up those deep forest vibes!!!
You're lookin' good there, Lou! Many happy returns!
.. .. .. and the world traveller lands on another birthday spinning by on the big wheel .. .. off on another tour around the sun!! Have a great year Lou!
Sending Love,
happy birtday Lou! I met Foster yesterday in Stockholm! I am glad that you are my friend!
all best wishes!
lou love u ,keep shining ,you look good and happy ,i rote something in facebook ,any way always in my heart giving thank for you in my life ,keep rocking the world ,
A belated happy birthday Lou, and great big thank you for all the positive difference you've made over the years. Keep it up.
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