[UPDATE - 14 April: Rio Branco's leading blogger Altino Machado gives an update as high water continues to displace families and Federal University professor Ecio Rodrigues notes that deforestation and the occupation of stream banks have made the situation worse.]
Following a below-average-rainfall March, April has come to Acre with the proverbial buckets of rain resulting in a very swollen Rio Acre and an emergency situation for the families living in low-lying areas.
So far about 250 families have been displaced and are receiving emergency shelter and support.
[UPDATE 13 April 2011: This morning the local media are reporting that the flooding is more widespread -- 11 neighborhoods in the city and 13 rural communities have been impacted and emergency measures are being mobilized to house, feed and care for the displaced.]

The water has risen toward the height of the bridge roadways but is not a present threat to them.

Boats have been towing the floating debris away from the bridge supports.

No one is sure how much more the river will rise so folks have been checking out the scene.

Let's hope that it all gets back to normal levels soon.

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