International Rivers demands Brazilian President Dilma Roussef halt the disastrous Belo Monte Dam outside the consulate in San Francisco.
Global Voices offers a special roundup of images and videos:
From the 19 to the 22 of August, 2011, protests against Belo Monte dam went global. Although the construction work on the dam has already begun, people have organized in protests on the Internet and in the streets of many Brazilian cities and throughout the world in front of Brazilian embassies and consulates. Advocating for the indigenous populations and traditional settlers of Volta Grande do Xingu region in the state of Para, they are also calling for the protection of the Amazon rainforest and environment. In this post, we compile a selection of photos and videos featuring the worldwide demonstrations. Check it out.
Avaaz has an ongoing petition urging president Dilma Rousseff to stop development of the Belo Monte Dam Complex and “invest in energy efficiency and clean power sources, protect the basic human rights of indigenous people and local communities, and support sustainable development that protects lives and ecosystems”.
If you haven't signed yet, PLEASE DO IT NOW.
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